Meet the author
I've always been gripped by stories that contain a personal struggle for survival, in a world that is anything else but easy and fair. And preferably with a historical twist. How do we react and what happens between people when life gets difficult? What does it take to put through your dreams and life goals with the personal authenticity intact? And how do the choices and de-choices we make shape not only our own, but also the unique life story of others?

The series about Maja Niemann contains it all. Resistance, Love, Dilemmas and Existential challenges. The historical war scene makes the themes present and drives the story forward. But it is the interaction of the characters and their personal choices that write the actual narrative. The exciting plot is created in between. The dilemma-filled narratives invite the reader to think for themselves. The language is straightforward and easy to understand.

About the authorship
At first, I spent time acquiring a practical education as a nurse, but later I spent twice as long time communicating my experiences and becoming wiser about how people perceive, learn, and understand. I was born on 24th of August 1950. Educated as a Nurse in September 1973, and Cand. Mag. Pæd. at the University of Copenhagen in April 1990.
I am married, have two grown-up children and four lovely grandchildren. Being retired, I enjoy, among many other things, having time to read and write. My first major reading experience in my teens was "God's Blind Eye" by Beck Nygaard.

About me:
2022 © Marianne Toxboe